Aldersgate Church

About Aldersgate

Our Story

What's with the name Aldersgate? Well, Methodism’s founder, John Wesley, was at a prayer meeting on Aldersgate Street when he experienced God’s love in his life.

Years later, a church was started with the same desire to share God's love with our neighbors. In 1988, Leroy Doverspike served as Aldersgate’s first pastor during a time when the church had zero members! He visited the neighborhoods and held the first worship service in his home in November 1988. About 15 people attended.

Today, there are hundreds of individuals regularly connected through the various ministries of Aldersgate Church: worship, small groups, service groups, recovery & hope groups (AA, AlAnon, Divorce-Care, Grief-Share), children’s and youth ministries, men’s and women’s ministries, and pre-school ministry. Aldersgate is a church in and for our community! We are here for you!